2026 HOME Investment Partnerships Grant
Application Overview
The HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program was created by the National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA) of 1990. It is the largest Federal block grant available to communities to create affordable housing for low to moderate income families. Each year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) determines the amount of HOME funds that states and local governments are eligible to receive using a formula designed to reflect relative housing needs.
The primary objective of the HOME Program is to expand affordable housing options for persons of low and moderate-income by:
- Providing decent affordable housing to low-income residents
- Expanding the capacity of non-profit housing providers
- Strengthening the ability of state and local governments to provide housing
- Leveraging private sector participation
This funding application is for the period beginning January 1, 2026 through December 31, 2026. Annually, the Cobb County CDBG Program Office requests proposals from local non-profit organizations and government entities to carry out eligible HOME activities in the County. Submission of an application does not guarantee funding. Costs associated with the preparation of this application shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. Applications will become the property of Cobb County.
A Selection Committee will review all applications for compliance with requirements and make funding recommendations to the Cobb County Board of Commissioners (BOC) during November.
Eligible activities for the HOME Program consist of the following:
- Homeowner Rehabilitation (repair, rehabilitation, and reconstruction)
- Homebuyer Activities (acquisition, rehabilitation, new construction, down-payment assistance)
- Rental Housing (acquisition, rehabilitation, new construction)
- Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (monthly rental assistance, security & utility deposits)
Family/ Household Size | Extremely Low 30% | Very Low Income 50% | Moderate Income 60% | Low Income 80% |
1 | $ 22,600 | $ 37,650 | $ 45,180 | $ 60,200 |
2 | $ 25,800 | $ 43,000 | $ 51,600 | $ 68,800 |
3 | $ 29,050 | $ 48,400 | $ 58,080 | $ 77,400 |
4 | $ 32,250 | $ 53,750 | $ 64,500 | $ 86,000 |
5 | $ 34,850 | $ 58,050 | $ 69,660 | $ 92,900 |
6 | $ 37,450 | $ 62,350 | $ 74,820 | $ 99,800 |
7 | $ 40,000 | $ 66,650 | $ 79,980 | $ 106,650 |
8 | $ 42,600 | $ 70,950 | $ 85,140 | $ 113,550 |
Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) https://www.hudexchange.info/
2026 Grant Allocation Funding Priorities
In 2024, the Cobb County CDBG Program Office conducted a Strategic Plan Assessment for Cobb County. This document is a compilation of preplanning surveys and data analysis gathered from local nonprofit organizations, tri-partite board and CDBG Program Office staff. The results of the surveys formed the foundation for the following goals, outcomes and strategies as listed in the Plan.
Housing insecurity is a pervasive issue in the region, with 72,310 families, or 24.83% of the population, spending more than 30% of their income on rent, mortgage, and utilities, making them housing cost-burdened. Renters are impacted with nearly half (41.89%) being cost burdened compared to 16.24% of homeowners. As reflected in the Strategic Plan, mental health concerns are also growing, with 14% of residents experiencing frequent distress, and the prevalence of serious mental illness and suicidal thoughts rising in recent years.
The following barriers were identified in the 2024 Strategic Plan:
- Employment and Education: Youth and Individuals lack the skills and qualifications needed to secure meaningful employment.
- Income Inequality: Individuals and Seniors lack adequate income to meet basic household needs
- Substance Abuse: Individuals are addicted to unhealthy substances
- Domestic Violence and Unsafe Living Conditions: Individuals and children are living in unsafe home environments
- Homelessness: Cobb County faces a homelessness crisis, with 451 individuals identified as homeless, including veterans and those chronically homeless. The rising cost of housing and limited affordable units contribute to this issue.
- Housing Insecurity: Over 24% of households in Cobb County are housing cost-burdened, spending more than 30% of their income on housing. Renters are especially affected, leading to financial instability and an increased risk of homelessness.
- Mental Health Issues: Individuals have poor mental health
As a result of these identified barriers in the County’s 2024 Strategic Plan, the Cobb County CDBG Program Office has developed funding allocation priorities for the County’s 2026 HUD grant application cycle.
HOME Funding Priorities | Allocation Percentage |
CHDO Set-Side (Regulatory) | 20% |
Homeownership Activities (New Construction/Rehabilitation) | 30% |
Rental Housing Activities (New Construction/Rehabilitation) | 30% |
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Activities | 10% |
Planning & Administration | 10% |
2026 HOME Program Application
2026 HOME Investment Partnerships Grant
Application Overview
The HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program was created by the National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA) of 1990. It is the largest Federal block grant available to communities to create affordable housing for low to moderate income families. Each year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) determines the amount of HOME funds that states and local governments are eligible to receive using a formula designed to reflect relative housing needs.
The primary objective of the HOME Program is to expand affordable housing options for persons of low and moderate-income by:
- Providing decent affordable housing to low-income residents
- Expanding the capacity of non-profit housing providers
- Strengthening the ability of state and local governments to provide housing
- Leveraging private sector participation
This funding application is for the period beginning January 1, 2026 through December 31, 2026. Annually, the Cobb County CDBG Program Office requests proposals from local non-profit organizations and government entities to carry out eligible HOME activities in the County. Submission of an application does not guarantee funding. Costs associated with the preparation of this application shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. Applications will become the property of Cobb County.
A Selection Committee will review all applications for compliance with requirements and make funding recommendations to the Cobb County Board of Commissioners (BOC) during November.
Eligible activities for the HOME Program consist of the following:
- Homeowner Rehabilitation (repair, rehabilitation, and reconstruction)
- Homebuyer Activities (acquisition, rehabilitation, new construction, down-payment assistance)
- Rental Housing (acquisition, rehabilitation, new construction)
- Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (monthly rental assistance, security & utility deposits)
Family/ Household Size | Extremely Low 30% | Very Low Income 50% | Moderate Income 60% | Low Income 80% |
1 | $ 22,600 | $ 37,650 | $ 45,180 | $ 60,200 |
2 | $ 25,800 | $ 43,000 | $ 51,600 | $ 68,800 |
3 | $ 29,050 | $ 48,400 | $ 58,080 | $ 77,400 |
4 | $ 32,250 | $ 53,750 | $ 64,500 | $ 86,000 |
5 | $ 34,850 | $ 58,050 | $ 69,660 | $ 92,900 |
6 | $ 37,450 | $ 62,350 | $ 74,820 | $ 99,800 |
7 | $ 40,000 | $ 66,650 | $ 79,980 | $ 106,650 |
8 | $ 42,600 | $ 70,950 | $ 85,140 | $ 113,550 |
Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) https://www.hudexchange.info/
2026 Grant Allocation Funding Priorities
In 2024, the Cobb County CDBG Program Office conducted a Strategic Plan Assessment for Cobb County. This document is a compilation of preplanning surveys and data analysis gathered from local nonprofit organizations, tri-partite board and CDBG Program Office staff. The results of the surveys formed the foundation for the following goals, outcomes and strategies as listed in the Plan.
Housing insecurity is a pervasive issue in the region, with 72,310 families, or 24.83% of the population, spending more than 30% of their income on rent, mortgage, and utilities, making them housing cost-burdened. Renters are impacted with nearly half (41.89%) being cost burdened compared to 16.24% of homeowners. As reflected in the Strategic Plan, mental health concerns are also growing, with 14% of residents experiencing frequent distress, and the prevalence of serious mental illness and suicidal thoughts rising in recent years.
The following barriers were identified in the 2024 Strategic Plan:
- Employment and Education: Youth and Individuals lack the skills and qualifications needed to secure meaningful employment.
- Income Inequality: Individuals and Seniors lack adequate income to meet basic household needs
- Substance Abuse: Individuals are addicted to unhealthy substances
- Domestic Violence and Unsafe Living Conditions: Individuals and children are living in unsafe home environments
- Homelessness: Cobb County faces a homelessness crisis, with 451 individuals identified as homeless, including veterans and those chronically homeless. The rising cost of housing and limited affordable units contribute to this issue.
- Housing Insecurity: Over 24% of households in Cobb County are housing cost-burdened, spending more than 30% of their income on housing. Renters are especially affected, leading to financial instability and an increased risk of homelessness.
- Mental Health Issues: Individuals have poor mental health
As a result of these identified barriers in the County’s 2024 Strategic Plan, the Cobb County CDBG Program Office has developed funding allocation priorities for the County’s 2026 HUD grant application cycle.
HOME Funding Priorities | Allocation Percentage |
CHDO Set-Side (Regulatory) | 20% |
Homeownership Activities (New Construction/Rehabilitation) | 30% |
Rental Housing Activities (New Construction/Rehabilitation) | 30% |
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Activities | 10% |
Planning & Administration | 10% |